Information for Parents and Guardians New to Scouting (almost everything you need to know)
What is a Scout’s commitment?
During the school year, there are two monthly meetings, a den meeting (scouts within same grade) and a pack meeting (all of the dens) that occur on different weeks. There are additional activities (generally on the weekends) that take place approximately once a month.
What is the commitment for the adults?
The expectation is that an adult will accompany one or more scouts to den and pack meetings, especially at the younger ages.
Pack 50 is entirely volunteer run. Parents and guardians help plan, organize, and run events for the Pack. Without the involvement of parents and guardian, scouting does not happen. Participation is not required, but parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to participate beyond den and pack meeting attendance. Adults that participate in Pack events find it a rewarding experience within a welcoming community and, some might even admit that they end up having a really good time.
Can my child and I come to a meeting before we signup?
Yes, send us an e-mail at and we’ll point you to the next den or pack meeting to see if they like it.
What rank is my child?
Kindergarten - Lion
1st Grade - Tiger
2nd Grade - Wolf
3rd Grade - Bear
4th Grade - Webelos
5th Grade - Arrow of Light
You can read more about the ranks and the different badges that need to be earned here.
How much does Scouting cost?
Registration is $85 for the year. Scouts are expected to purchase a uniform and handbook.